On my street

These days I flinch at the sound of a van with loudspeakers promoting a circus show that travels round the city. The sound brings me back in the present, at what I live here, what I see, smell, feel in my limited existence here. I love circus.
I commute from my room to the kitchen/living room in a desperate effort to regain my zen. The exams are approaching, the final countdown. I sit, exhausted and detached, on the couch in front of the open door, I breathe in the warm air and listen to the giggles of the children playing with the ball on the alley below my balcony.
The previous days I marvelled at the flypast on the clear, bleu summer sky. Never before had I seen a plane so close to the ground. And they were perfect there, majestic metal-birds, and the day had its mellow fastuosity here, apart from the understanding of the common people, who only perceived small and insufficient parts of its declaration. But maybe they didn’t even want to. Other things require their attention now. Other joys and problems. And above all, with its charming gist,  it’s summer again.
Although this is my first blog post, I begin it with the report about the end of an adventure that proved itself more astounding, more beautiful and more thrilling than I’ve imagined. And I’m content. It will remain a memory in time, an island of rediscovery in the chaos of my life. I will revisit, in a melancholic glimpse, the streets, the playground, the immense chambers of the museums.

And you, my friend, you’ll be there too. Just let’s shake hands. 🙂